
Bring Anxiety Fox to Life!

Created by Naomi Romero

Anxiety Fox is a character that represents anxiety disorder. Take this little fox home in plush form!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Plush have arrived at warehouse + Mug issues?
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:20:39 PM

Hello, everyone!

MakeThatThing said the plush are safe and sound in the warehouse and ready to ship! We am SO excited to finally start having items sent out to you all! They all look good and I am currently waiting for photos! In the mean time, they sent me this silly one!



OH NO! Although most of the mugs are okay, 276 of them came broken due to very poor packaging from the manufacturer. I am currently trying to get in touch to have them replaced or refunded since this is unacceptable!  Although I have ordered extra mugs, 122 orders are currently without mugs with their plush. so I am currently working very hard to have this fixed! I know that the mugs were freebies since they were an unlockable tier that came automatically with the small plush but I feel like I still need to make it up to 122 of you. In the mean time, PLEASE let me know if you're okay with having a replacement item! I can be a keychain/ lanyard set or enamel pin! 

If you ordered the mug/ small plush set and are okay with replacing the mug, you will STILL get the small plush, don't worry! :)

Need to change your address?  

All surveys and customer service are handled by the amazing folks at Backer Kit! If you have any questions regarding address changes, rewards, add-ons.etc etc, I encourage you to keep in touch with them! This will help speed things a long and help me focus on talking with the factories! Backer Kit is pretty neat, huh? I love them! You can contact Backer Kit via the FAQ page below. Click the "Still Have Questions? Contact Us!" buttom at the very bottom of the page.  

Lost your Backer Kit Survey?  

No worries! It happens! All you need to do is follow the link below and enter the email you used to back Anxiety Fox with!

Anxiety Fox cleared customs!
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 09:13:59 PM


The plush shipment has cleared customs and are currently on route to MakeThatThing! Once they arrive, the shipping will immediately begin! :) Once they arrive, I will alert you all! Please note that shipping WILL begin this month so be sure to prepare which address is needed to receive all your goodies!

Need to change your address?  

All surveys and customer service are handled by the amazing folks at Backer Kit! If you have any questions regarding address changes, rewards, add-ons.etc etc, I encourage you to keep in touch with them! This will help speed things a long and help me focus on talking with the factories! Backer Kit is pretty neat, huh? I love them! You can contact Backer Kit via the FAQ page below. Click the "Still Have Questions? Contact Us!" buttom at the very bottom of the page.  

Lost your Backer Kit Survey?  

No worries! It happens! All you need to do is follow the link below and enter the email you used to back Anxiety Fox with!

Plushes are in the United States!
about 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 11:36:38 PM

Good news!!!

Anxiety Fox's adventure has finally come to an end and they have finally reached the United States! The large plush shipment is currently in customs! I am not sure how long this process will take but MakeThatThing and me are working hard to push the process along as quickly as we can. Once the shipment has cleared customs, all plush will be sent to the MakeThatThing warehouse so they can start sending out orders.

Thank you all for your patience! Anxiety Fox is so excited to meet you all! I will update you all with developments! :)

Address Changes!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 11:37:34 PM

Hello, my amazing backers!

Anxiety Fox is still making their journey to the United States! Due to the sheer amount of plush that had to be ordered, it was impossible to have them shipped by air and still stay within the funds received by Kickstarter. They are currently being shipped via sea and enjoying a cruise! Once they arrive, I will immediately let you all know. Although over 1,100 orders seem like a daunting task, our friends at MakeThatThing will professionally fulfill all orders! They have a dedicated team to handle all the shipping! This will allow orders to move along very quickly and much faster than I could ever do alone. Thank you, MakeThatThing!

Need to change your address?

All surveys and customer service are handled by the amazing folks at Backer Kit! If you have any questions regarding address changes, rewards, add-ons.etc etc, I encourage you to keep in touch with them! This will help speed things a long and help me focus on talking with the factories! Backer Kit is pretty neat, huh? I love them! You can contact Backer Kit via the FAQ page below. Click the "Still Have Questions? Contact Us!" buttom at the very bottom of the page.

Lost your Backer Kit Survey?

No worries! It happens! All you need to do is follow the link below and enter the email you used to back Anxiety Fox with!

Shipping Update!
about 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 01:24:41 AM


The pins, lanyards and rubber keychains have arrived at the warehouse safe and sound! We are currently awaiting for the mugs and plushes to arrive! They have been sent and are currently making their journey to the warehouse. Tshirts and hoodies have been ordered! :)

If you want to update your address, you can do so by going into Backer Kit and updating from there. Surveys are closed but you can still update addresses. No worries!

Thank you for patience! Anxiety Fox is making their journey and I wish them safe travels! How exciting!